On the Eve of the Eve of LaSalle RetroFest
It is two days before groundbreaking and the 3rd Annual LaSalle RetroFest: Celebrating the '80s. I will be making an introduction and presenting Board members, local politicians, and the Director and Assistant Director wearing blue eyeshadow and enormous 1980's hair. Only in my crazy library world. But it's so appropriate! I'm getting to the point where I am beyond anxious and nicknaming this event RetroHell and now realize that it's going to happen. And it will be fun!And I will celebrate.
After Saturday, life can get back to normal (sort of) and I can resume my normal life: martial arts, walking and biking at the gym, and writing.
I finished Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer and started Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich. I was reading Janet Evanovich's book and laughed out loud. Someone else stopped by and told me how much she enjoyed the books.
I will post pics and give you an update! Pray for sunshine.