Wednesday at Home and the Film Club

I stayed home today sick,visited the doctor, and persuaded him to give me stronger meds! It's so irritating when first of all when you know what you have (respiratory, bronchitis, I can diagnose the damn ailment in my sleep) but you still have to go visit! I've struggled with this for two months and three scripts later I'm hoping it works. There's finally a steroid so I can breathe better. Then I can start working out and attending tae kwon do again.
I'll turn today into a positive, though, due to the fact that I put a remarkable dent into a book called The Film Club by David Gilmour. It's for a book club I haven't attended in a very long time. It's a memoir about a father who tells his fifteen-year-old son that he can drop out of school if they watch three films a week. Together. So far, it's interesting and a unique perspective on parenting and more importantly, how a father and son bond while watching film.