Friday Frustration
Good evening.
It's interesting how one day can be so different than the next. It was a challenging Friday. Mostly challenging because my writing muse attacked me Thursday night and I could not sleep until after 1 a.m. And then up early the next day to play library at a friend's branch. Latte is smart; she continues sleeping after we wake up. Lately she is sleeping under the covers, pressed against my stomach, and purring. It's like a living bed warmer. She took over what Jack used to do. Well, despite the rain and cold, I managed to stay awake throughout the day. I had a productive day. But I'm tired. I'm quite annoyed that Greenie is STILL in the shop. Is she getting plastic surgery? They're spraying the body of her car. She gets more maintenance than I do! I was supposed to go to the Feminist Film Night tonight. No transportation. Steve has gaming night. I miss my sisterhood. So I took my frustration out on my writing. I wrote a plethora of reviews for my friend's Mojopages business. And now I'm blogging. And soon, I'll resume working on my Jack book. And then eventually, I'll crash and sleep in until taekwondo.