Memory Leaves Fall

(Memory Leaves Fall 1, LCS 2002?)

"One falling leaf may herald the coming of autumn." -Chinese Proverb

I found this photo on a disk and thought it would be appropriate to post it today. It's a gorgeous October afternoon. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. this morning and thought of Jack. It's been exactly one week. Ironically, Steve picked up his ashes today. We have it in a container on the front porch right in a perfect spot in the corner where he used to perch. I haven't cried for a couple of days--I am writing and reflecting and this helps the process. Java and Latte are both basking in the sun on the porch. We are showering both of them with so much attention and they are lapping it up.

Today I attended taekwondo for the first time in almost a month. Taekwondo is a terrific diversion to stress and surrounding chaos: you just focus on the forms that you learn. I surprised myself by remembering the nunchakus form and most of the sword form! It felt like starting over again, but with the knowledge I had before. It's like a new perspective, a new angle, turning over proverbial new leaves.

Before the afternoon escapes me, I am going outside to enjoy the garden and the leaves before I leave to gather with friends tonight. :)


Anonymous said…
Lori, I do not know who Jack is, but am guessing a cat...and your poor hurting heart. We are never prepared to say good-bye to these tender, precious friends, are we. I love your blog! Where do you take Tae Kwon Do? (Always wanted to!)Marci

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