A Rose from Lucky the Cat
Steve and I thank you for your cards, chocolates, dinners, emails, facebook messages, flowers, friendship, hugs, telephone calls, and unconditional support. Only a person who has been a pet parent or has had a pet as part of the family truly understands the loss when a fur child leaves you physically and crosses over to the Other Side, the Rainbow Bridge, Heaven, whatever you decide to call it...to that wonderful place.
What is also touching are the small kindnesses from acquaintances. I visited my favorite flower shop (Palace of Flowers) near the library and visited Lucky the cat and her human. As the shop owner created a beautiful bouquet for a person's birthday surprise, I petted Lucky and told both of them what happened on Saturday. When she finished the arrangement, the shop owner gave me a rose and a hug and said this is from Lucky.
My emotions are raw. I cry often. Jack tore a large piece of my fragmented heart with his white paw on his way when he took that last leap Saturday morning. At night, I am waiting for him to meow and jump on my feet, let out a big fraternity-boy groan, and drift off to sleep, purring. In the morning, I am waiting for him to wake me up with his naughty-boy antics, pawing at the books on the bookshelf next to my bed, then jumping on me with his scratchy tongue licking my chin. I do hope Jack visits me in my dreams.
It is quiet. Even with Java and Latte, Steve and I are haunted by the silence. It will take time. Perhaps a lot of time. Even with loss, there is still always love.