Taekwondo, Housewarming, and Halloween Soiree
Good afternoon! I am awakened at noon with a phone call and she asks if I have a hangover. No, M., I am not hung over. :) Yes, I consumed my fair share of red wine last night, as our friends always have a sampling of different varieties from as far away as California. And there's health benefits as well, with antioxidants and it's good for your heart, blah blah blah. And it was yummy!
Steve and I had a very busy day yesterday. He drove with me to taekwondo and then we trekked to Fun FX to put together our costumes. Oh, my goodness, it was amateur night. There's this huge warehouse of cool costumes and accessories and people picking out the perfect outfit for their or their children's Halloween party. Well, we picked out a cape and a wolf mask for the party and got out of there. We then drove to Target to look for fur for Steve's costume and a housewarming present for a staff member. We found a better cloak for my Red Riding Hood costume and it was on sale. So we purchased that and drove to the housewarming party. No wolf fur at Target, though. Steve ended up painting his paws. I think it looked great.
It was a LaSalle reunion at the party! The host and hostess are wonderful people and the house was great! It's a pretty 70's style tri-level. We stayed for a couple hours and then ran another errand, and then returned home. I took an hour nap to be on my game for the party. We dressed up and attended the annual K & J's Halloween party. It was great. We greeted our friends and met new friends. Steve and I were the last ones to leave!
Today we are laying low. I have house stuff, yard stuff, and Lia Sophia (side jewelry business) to attend to today. It will be a fast, productive day.