First Snow, Korean Cuisine, James Bond,and Yowlfest 2008
It's the first snow of the winter season. I'm itching to pull out my ice skates soon and hit the rink. I have been hitting the treadmill and the bicycle, so I am getting my exercise. Saturday night Steve and I dined with friends at our favorite Korean restaurant. We love Sunny's!
RAT joined us too, as you see her nose in the sake. It's a good thing we pretty much had the restaurant to ourselves, otherwise I'd be explaining why I'm taking digital photographs of a plastic rat with a pink bow on her neck.
Afterwards, most people saw a blues band, I promised Steve we'd see the new James Bond movie. It was good and Daniel Craig was meow-ish! A friend from the group joined us to see the movie, too.
Speaking of meow, cat wars are still going strong at the Sigety household. During yowlfest, Latte and Mojo managed to soil the downstairs carpeting, our bedspread, a couple of pillows, and our mattress AFTER the bedspread was taken off to be sent far away to dry cleaning. After deciding NOT to send both clowns back to the circus (Java is watching the whole thing and not bothered in the least, still with the I told you so gleam in her eyes), the bedroom door is closed for good and deemed a no cat zone. I am taking back my house. Hopefully, the fur beasts will calm down. Otherwise, there will be serious sedation, not sure if it will be Steve or the cats that will have to be sedated from all the madness! Stay tuned for more updates on Yowlfest 2008!
Quantum of Solace = good
We were in Chicago Saturday with the kids, they were starting to ice up the skate rink at Millenium Park.