Mojo the Beast and Other Friday Night Musings
I am now referring to my newest family fur member as Mojo the Beast. He is acting rather beastly tonight. He is doing the same thing in the photograph that Jack used to do. Java and Latte never jump up there. I need to find the squirt gun because he keeps scratching the couch (I did place the scratching post next to his current favorite scratching spot.) He knocked over my CDs in the music room and he tortured Latte (although she hissed and swatted at him first.) I am hoping that Mojo will calm down. He is very very cute when he is not jumping up on my dining room table or climbing on books in the office, or lying down on my blanket and deciding to completely groom himself next to me. Gross. He is lovable, however, and his cuteness is his saving grace right now. Sweet Java and I are looking at eachother. She's giving me the look like "It's YOUR fault, YOU brought him home." Now Mojo is snuggling and warbling next to me. He has me wrapped around his snowy white paw.
I visited Fitness USA and worked out for almost an hour and burned almost 200 calories. I brought the iPod but forgot the earplugs. That's a problem. I did bring a book entitled
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.
It's a historical fiction novel written in letters. It stars a writer in post World War II. It's really interesting. It's great to read when using the stationery bike; it's a little harder on the treadmill.
I am planning to go back to taekwondo after the holidays. Life should be a little simpler then.
because he can?
[ducks. runs off]