Early Winter Morning and Winterscapes
Good morning! It's 4:30a.m. and I'm making the most of waking up at this hour. Java cat was sleeping with her paws together and twisted so they are facing the ceiling. Very cute. The bright light from the Tiffany lamp didn't even wake her up. She did arise a few minutes later to leap onto the dining room table, lick the Christmas cards, knock a few over in the process just for fun, and leap back up to the ledge of the couch to settle in again. Ah, the life of a cat! Latte is most likely upstairs nestled in the spot I just vacated.
I am fortunate to have taken some time off this week to finish Christmas cards, shopping, and sending packages in the mail. I'm really exhausted (but happy) with work and trying to prevent acute bronchitis from worsening. It knocked me out and woke me up to take it easier. I even slept through church this morning because of my medication! (Oops.)
I may even muster the gusto to put up my Christmas tree and the Christmas wreath and that should be good enough. I usually don't overdo the whole Christmas thing, although I love spending time with fam and friends, like I did this weekend. (Oh, and a word to the wise: people will actually read blog postings, and I accidentally announced a gift here on the blog. Oops.:P)) Steve and I were spoiled by my friends. I'm wearing the green and red socks that totally clash with my current black and white checked pajamas, but I don't care. They are happy socks from my wonderful happy friends and I feel happy wearing them. I was touched by a gorgeous necklace that M& R picked out for me up in Beulah, Michigan. Not only is it beautiful and matched my other Lia Sophia necklace, but it brought up the memories of Lake Michigan and camping and how much fun we had. And we're doing it again in the Summer of 2009! One more thing: I'll be doing a winter photography exhibit entitled Winterscapes at the Bittersweet Branch Library in the window cases as a featured artist in January! I think it will be fun opportunity to get my photography out there.
Up watching PBS and the Nutcracker ballet (yep, I'm a nerd!). Saw it live once and many times on the Hallmark showcases as a child. Far as holiday decor goes, I'll take a sarong and hang it from the ceiling to remind me of Nassau 2 weeks ago. At least 80 degree memories beats the heck outta 22 below windchill.
Well, Clara is about to go back to the real world now on the big screen, so I'd best go to bed. And sorry about the rat in the wreath....his Rat King lost the battle against the Nutcracker gang about 60 minutes ago. (LOL)
blessin's, you and Steve and the furry ones have a great holiday.