Facebook Musings and Christmas RAT in Kalamazoo
The interesting aspect about sites like Facebook (FB) is the realization of how much people are truly connected. Not just virtually through the Internet as a catalyst, but how people know eachother in reality. It's circular. I know this person through music and that person through college and then they know each other through a school they attended, and so on. It's also a way to start over with some relationships. I've reconnected with a lot of wonderful people this year and rebuilt some friendships from past acquaintanceships. And I think that's terrific!
Saturday night Steve and I attended a Christmas cocktail party in Kalamazoo. My friend, C., is one of my best childhood friends from Gravel Lake. I love him dearly. My folks met us up here and we saw people from the Lake. It was so funny to see people dressed, since we are usually in totally casual garb when we are up there. Of course, RAT made a holiday appearance.
We arrived home around 1:30 a.m. I managed to haul myself to church this morning and play the congas and triangle. (Someone mentioned I add more cowbell! Moooo.) Had brunch with my parents. Mom wasn't feeling well, bless her heart. Damn cancer. :( So I visited them at home and then I arrived Chez Sigety. Crashed for 4 1/2 hours. Marathon siesta, baby.