Late Night and A New Earth
Good morning! It's 1:30 a.m.! Do you know where your meds are? Acute bronchitis snuck up and bit me again. My only symptoms are that I am winded and exhausted. (Guess that's a red flag smacking me on the keester but tend to ignore it. Oops.) At least the cooties will be cleared in time for the holidays next week. Steve has been on my case to eat soup and drink hot tea, and I am grateful for it. Steve took me to the doctor and to the pharmacy. And no, I did NOT behave. I teased my doc and quipped that he played a doctor on tv. Then at the pharmacist's office I told the overly perky pharm tech that I wanted drugs. (And she laughed. Then she id'ed me for the cough medicine since it's a controlled substance. Where was she when I was buying Christmas wine as a present last week?My older (yet younger-looking) sister and my husband get carted. It must be an oldest/first-born child thing. I thought they are supposed to LOOK more mature as well. Hmmm.
Even my dreams are misbehaving. As indicated on my FB account, I dreamt that I was playing my black Gretch drumset at Martin's Supermarkets. Alone. And then I fell off the drum stool. Just fell right over. And a friend asked me if I was nude! Please, don't give my brain ideas for more crazy dreams. Yes, I was fully dressed. Just tipping over in front of everyone at the supermarket was horrific enough. Moo.
Anyway, in-between sleeping with Latte and writing Christmas cards with Java watching carefully, I am reading A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purposes by Eckhart Tolle. It's a terrific read. It's a book on spirituality. Tolle talks about transcending one's consciousness and living a more fulfilling life. Definitely a book to purchase for home.