Licking Cards on Christmas Eve
Miss Java is the reason why we do not have our Christmas tree up in the living room. She loves Christmas! She would paw the ornaments and scale the tree. I was looking for a place to put all the wonderful cards and pictures and thought the dining room table was a safe bet. We were hoping more things on the table would deter the cats from jumping on the table. Hmmn. From these photographs, I don't think so.
Yes, I fell behind with Christmas this year. We didn't put up the tree. We're really not here for the festivities anyway, and in the big scheme of things, it's no big deal to us. In my opinion, it's just one more thing to worry about. Yes, I have cards I haven't sent out yet and gifts for staff I haven't seen yet and a few packages I still need to mail out. But it will be done in good time and that's okay. Just spend time with the people you love the most and that's all that really matters, isn't it?