A Weekend of Wintry Festivities
My weekend was a flurry of fun activities. Saturday morning, Steve and I took RAT to the LaSalle Branch Library and worked the garage sale. Despite the icy and snowy weather, people lined up at the door. It quieted down around 10:00 a.m.. We stayed until noon and then locked the doors.
I took a nap to fight off the sinus demons and then Steve and I attended a Christmas soiree through Steve's work (IU). It is an annual, elegant celebration and we stayed and chatted for about two hours. I didn't realize the punchbowl was spiked and wondered why the punch tasted especially delicious.
Sunday I missed church because of my plans today. I wanted to keep my energy up for the activities. Steve and I arrived at the newly remodeled Western Branch Library around 12:45 p.m.. It is beautiful! J. did a wonderful job with the introductions and the ceremonies. I was in charge of passing out the chocolates. It was a nice touch. I finally introduced myself to the mayor and accidentally called myself mayor instead of manager. Great. (Then I quipped that I just gave myself a raise. Hopefully that was a good recovery line.) The dedication lasted until 3p.m. Steve and I left. I came home and napped again before my friend's baby shower.
The baby shower took place in an elegant home in the woods. Jazz music played while everyone had beverages and chatted. Dinner was presented at 6p.m. Then the presents. My friend C. opened up her presents and giggled the whole time. She is such a lovely, caring person and it is great to have so many friends and family surrounding her. The most fun gift of all was the friendship quilt. Everyone decorated a quilt square and one of our friends put it together. It was gorgeous. And a sign-in book describing the squares was a great touch. It was a fun shower, and a great way to start the week! :)