hope for the flowers

One of my closest, dearest, and most beautiful friends blew me away. She gave me the most inspiring book. This read, first published a year after I was born (1972), written by trina paulus, is the story of two caterpillars trying to make their journeys through life. The illustrations, simple yet profound, and adorned with the color of sunshine, complement the story of hope and perseverance. A perfect read for rough times. Thank you, E. I love you.


Anonymous said…
Dearheart, I believe I recollect this book about two caterpillars.

Never let it be said that we ever stop morphing to something greater. Not money always, but from the inside where it counts the most.

Gloria has arrived, and she's loving her new wings after "caterpillaring" thru this interesting life. Leaving us such an interesting daughter as you are.

Much love, cyncyn
Anonymous said…
I love this book! I have a copy too and I found it very inspiring!


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