Admittedly, I'm being a slacker and re-posting this to my marimba blog. The following post was on my
library blog. I'm more than halfway through
Waiter Rant. Now I'm going to go dine at a restaurant and take this book with me. We'll see if another waiter will comment!:)
You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats wait staff at a restaurant. As a former biscuit queen at a fast-food restaurant, dishwasher, busgirl and waitress (for two days), I understand a little bit about the food service industry and what unfolds behind the scenes. However, I have nothing on the anonymous cynical waiter who started the blog
Waiter Rant four years ago and then pens the book with the same moniker. A friend recommended this read, so I picked it up. Coincidentally, I started reading this in a restaurant while I lunched. The server was curious and asked what the book was about. I told her and added, “It’s a book for customers on how to give better tips.” She laughed. It’s actually a first- person account of the trials of being a professional waiter. Gritty and real from the first page, the waiter holds nothing back and shows his story from his prospects as a priest to psychologist to marketing to professional waiter. What are your favorite or memorable restaurant adventures?