Lemonade Some Sunny Day
It's been an interesting weekend so far. Last night I had about twenty wonderful women and Steve over to watch the V-Monologues, eat pizza, and drink water or wine.
(Steve didn't stick around for the movie and that's okay.) It was a fun evening and I'm glad to have friends over, especially now. Yesterday was the one month anniversary (for lack of a better word) of Mom's passing.
After attending taekwondo this morning, Steve and I drove over to Dad's house. My sister and brother-in-law are in from Chicago. My sister and I had the pleasant task of going through my mother's belongings and deciding their fates. We both found a separate box of belongings that Mom saved from our childhood. A lock of my hair from birth. Cards I sent her over the years. Cards people sent me in my childhood. My elementary school art and writing projects. My report cards (yikes).
I also discovered a note written to me from my preschool teacher (who recently sent me a beautiful card with a poem I shared with you on the blog.) Names are abbreviated for privacy. Here is the letter:
May 7, 1976
Dear Lori,
The florist brought me the most beautiful basket of flowers from you today! It is perfect for my dinette table, because it has all the colors of my wallpaper in it.
Whenever I look at it, I will think of our dear friendship and the good times we had in nursery school. Please ask your mother to bring you and A. to my house for lemonade some sunny day!
With love,
Mrs. B.
This card really touched me, especially since I heard from her recently. I'll need to take her up on the lemonade, but I'll have to come alone.