Day Two: Adventures in Libraryland

Deer in Vineyard--2009
Deer on Library Chair--2009
I am feeling like Alice in Libraryland. Especially since I received this gorgeous planter in the shape of an enormous teacup for my birthday tonight. Or maybe a deer in the vineyard sprouting horns. It's the second day at the branch and I feel like I have been shot out of a cannon. I'm hitting the ground running with working out bugs, figuring out the workflow, greeting patrons, working last minute details of RetroFest and Dedication, and a branch meeting in the p.m.. But so far, it's a smooth shot and I'm merely trotting. Working out the kinks in scheduling (must delegate), also figuring out new technology and doing basic accounting for the branch. If I can survive coin-op machines, I will be fine. A reporter from the newspaper arrived today. She interviewed me and patrons in the branch. Tomorrow there will be a photographer. Better glam up just in case. :)


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