Hills and Valleys-DMV

Today is an example of experiencing the hills and valleys of living. The day started out on a hill. I went to the new DMV and my new driver's license was processed in a half an hour, which was great. I do, however, wish there was a way I could retake my photograph. In Indiana, you can no longer smile. The kindly employee told me gently that I had to hide my teeth. So now I look like I am going to burst out laughing. At least I am now registered as a redhead AND an organ donor (donate your organs, people! You don't need them in Heaven!) So if you want a good chuckle, ask me for my ID. It will make you smile. (And yes, you can show your teeth! :D) I also met up with one of my girlfriends and chatted with her for awhile. Then I returned home with time to spare before a lunchdate with another friend from high school.


BreathinSteven said…
Hey You...

Thanks for checking that you want to be an organ donor -- I think you know how much that means to me...

Love, Steve

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