Today is a Day I Will Never Forget
What a beautiful day for a soft opening at a library. The sun is shining, the skies are blue, and my heart is happy for the first time in a long time. The patrons who came in are excited to see the staff, and vice/versa. There are a lot of hugs. A lot of laughter. A lot of tours around the new facility. It is such a treat to show teens the new cafe and hear them laugh out loud with delight. It is wonderful to see young kids leaving the library smiling, with stacks of books in their arms.
On a personal note, turning 38 is painless. No one, including my mother, would let my day pass by unnoticed. Of all the days of the year, the soft opening for my branch is on my birthday. Staff surprised me with a potluck lunch, cards, flowers, and presents. A volunteer called me from her vacation spot in Wyoming. My father stopped by and I gave him the grand tour and he enjoyed lunch with the staff. My friends stopped by later in the evening. What floored me was that Steve took a day of vacation and surprised me by spending the day with me at the new branch. It is such a comfort to have him there. Colleagues and staff stopped by, dropped off cards, called, and IM'ed.
And oh my goodness, Facebook. I received so many messages on my Wall between last night and tonight. I am humbled and touched and so fortunate to have such great family, friends, and colleagues in my life. What a beautiful day for a birthday. Today is a day I will never forget.