Saturday, October 17
It was a foggy and lovely morning in San Diego. Some of the naughty ducks at the Catamaran decided to take a dip in the swimming pool. It was amusing to watch them sneak over and play and swim until the groundskeeper found them and shooed them back to their respective places.
We packed up and sadly said good-bye to The Catamaran, Mission Beach, and San Diego. (*Sniff*)
Our friend took us to the airport (bless his heart) and we made it in plenty of time. The San Diego airport is not that large, though, and is very crowded.
Despite some turbulence and an annoying seatmate next to me (I called him Beefcake in Blue--he took his half out of the middle), it was a shorter flight home. Steve sat behind me in the last row. After a smooth landing, we landed in Chicago. It was cold and rainy. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Giordano's in Chicago. The pasta was amazing. Eventually we made it home late Saturday night. Two grey kitties were very very happy to see us, and we were happy to see them. They welcomed us home.