
Mugging with Moshi- SJS 2009
It's a perfect day to write. So here I am. I'm going through my blogs and journals to come up with 50-100 poems for Field of Blue. At first I was going to stick to poems I wrote this year. Then I decided to include poems from the past. Why not? I have been writing since 1991 and there are some works that are begging to be seen. There are others, however, that will never see the light of day! For a cold winter's night, I am enclosing the poem "Weatherwise". I wrote this in 1994. It is unpublished. Enjoy. :)
Weatherwise Friends fair-weathered are flowers. Springtime socialites wilting in the huff of autumn in flight of winter's storms. Friends foul-weathered are frostbite thriving on negative energy burning,needling,prickly then struck numb. Friends all-weathered are firs. planted firmly in summer's sun leaving for autumn's callings only to stand barren-- weathering winter's wrath. Weatherwise. LCS/1994


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