The Year of the Grinch

One more day in libraryland and then Steve and I will be heading to Chicagoland for the hellidays. Today was fine until I left for home. It's cold. The parking lot was slick. It was a slippery ride to the pharmacy. I accidentally threw away my script (I thought it expired) and so the pharmacist could not fill the current one. Damn it. I called my doctor and left a message for him. Now I have to go and pick another one up. I drove home and noticed all the Griswald-style lights across the boulevard. I am so sick of Christmas. Sick sick sick of it all. It's a cruel season for people who are grieving. So I yelled in the direction of the lights across the boulevard. "I HATE CHRISTMAS!" So there, Griswald-style helliday lights taunting me day in and day out. I didn't even hang up a Christmas wreath this year. Bite me, helliday season. You totally suck. Grief sucks. It really really does. I never understood the depth of how people hurt around this time of year. Now I understand. I really, really do. After I get survive the year of the Grinch I want to make future Christmases more meaningful. But this year I am opting out of Christmas all together.


Anonymous said…
Absolutely, perfectly perfectly said. "bite me'--you go Lori! --Judy
Anonymous said…
I am right there with you. You'll get through it.-Theresa
Unknown said…
Lori, I know you're hurting and as I told you before, as you say it's hell for people grieving. The Christmas after my father decided to exit out of our lives on November 1st, All Souls Day, our Thanksgiving and Christmas were awful, my sister and husband were fighting with me and walked out on my Christmas dinner. It's hell and you have every right to scream, yell, and shout back. You have every reason to be angry. Hang in there girl, it'll get somewhat better. Love yourself, love your husband, love your kiddies. Commercialism has ruined Christmas and the true meaning anyway. Hugs.

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