There were so many things to do this weekend. My women's film group was held on Friday night. A friend's birthday bash was on Saturday night. Unfortunately, I had to miss both. ;(
I had to practice, prepare, and perform at the
Box Factory in St. Joseph, Michigan with our band
Purest Green on Saturday night
. The first set was jazz/contemporary and the second set was Irish/Scottish music. It was a lot of fun and our best performance yet! The Box Factory is an art gallery and performance space. It's a great venue to visit and perform. The staff, including the sound technician, was great. We enjoyed playing and it was great having enough space. I was able to play out with the drumset and perform cool solos/duets. Although it wasn't an entirely profitable venture ( just enough to cover the gratuity for hairapy yesterday), this performance was important for our band and good for the soul. Stay tuned for upcoming shows this spring and summer! Here's the url for our bandpage: