Friday Night on the Porch
It's been an unseasonably warm week here in northern Indiana and I am enjoying the weather very much. There's a lot to tell. I met with the professor at IU this week. She's wonderful and took the time to answer all my questions about graduate school. I debated on starting school in the summer, but decided to enjoy my summer (since I worked all last summer on reopening the LaSalle Branch.) I'm starting in Fall 2010 and wish to take two classes: a required course and poetry. I am chomping at the bit to learn more about writing poetry again.
Also this week, Moshi the Beast was spayed on Thursday. No surprise kittens at the Sigety household this summer. We surmised that she would be quiet and docile after the procedure. No chance. Instead, it's like she was shot out of a cannon. The only evidence of surgery we noticed was a fuzzy belly, which she has not shown to us recently (without danger of claws and teeth.)
I'm also excited to hear that my musical friend K. wrote music to my lyrics entitled "Field of Blue." I can't wait to hear them! This could commence the making of the jazz cd I've dreamed of creating... Speaking of music, I've had four people ask about drum lessons. I think I need to start teaching soon.
Tonight I had a nice dinner with Dad at a restaurant called Yesterday's. The food was amazing and the service was great, too.
This weekend I look forward to rehearsal tomorrow with my band Purest Green and then working in the yard, planning for school, etc...
Anyway, hope you have a great weekend! :)