I took R's advice and called Steve before I arrived home.
"Honey, would you please have a large glass of wine ready for me when I arrive home? It's been a trying day."
(Understatement of the week. ) And like the fabulous man he is, Steve had a glass of white waiting for me on the kitchen counter. It's Round Barn Apple Wine. I couldn't find the tasty red berry flavor that my friend M. had at her catering gig, but this will suffice. It's pretty tasty. Wine is a terrible thing to waste, even the cheap variety. ;)
A friend mentioned to me in libraryland that this day (from hell) could be residual from the full moon. (I believe you, C.) Last night, after digging for hours and falling comically into the dirt while chatting on the cell phone, I took a stroll around the 'hood for a 1/2 hour, serenading my neighbors while rocking out to the iPod. I viewed the full moon hiding in the trees on a clear night and appreciated the stars smiling over the sleepy boulevard.
Tonight I am weary. It was a hard day. People can be vampires, sucking one's energy dry. I sport the invisible bite marks from the verbal assaults. I will assuage my fragile psyche with a hot shower, a calm book, and hope for a better day.