Sharing the Seasons and Other Musings
It's Friday evening again. Our flowering crabapple tree is amazing; it adorns the corner where I sit and relax. The tree is getting so big that our next door neighbor also enjoys the benefit of the beauty and privacy. I love how it flowers and then when flowers turn into leaves, the corner is covered so we have shade and beauty.
There's a gorgeous poetry book I checked out from the library and read it tonight. The title is Sharing the Seasons edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins and Illustrated by David Diaz. There are poems (in order of appearance) by Lee Bennett Hopkins, Fran Haraway, Rebecca Kai Dotlich, Elizabeth Upton, Beverly McLoughland, Candace Pearson, James Hayford, April Halprin Wayland, Marilyn Singer, Carl Sandburg, Mary Atkinson, Constance Andrea Keremes,Ann Rousseau Smith, Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, Joan Bransfield Graham,Prince Redcloud, Terry Webb Harshman, Richard Brautigan, Craig Crist-Evans, Florence B. Spilger, Joseph Bruchac, Lillian Fisher, Karla Kuskin, Ann Wagner, Patrick Lewis, and Sanderson Vanderbilt.
Tonight I am forcing myself to retire to bed early so we can accomplish a lot this weekend. I'm looking forward to band rehearsal, teaching my first drum lesson to a daughter of a dear friend; and reviewing my poems with Jake so we can have our reading in June.
Best, Lori