Springtime Around the Boulevard

Gardening can bring people together. It is a solitary or a community endeavor, but most of the time the end result is enjoyed by many. I cannot take the credit for the tulips. My neighbor and friend J. planted the garden a few years ago when she moved here. People, puppies, and fowl would stop over. Neighbors walking in the area fawned over the beauty. Flowers are a great way to make friends, build communities, and beautify neighborhoods. The flowering crab tree (I call it the Love Tree) was a gift from my husband's parents. They brought it over from an Earth Day tree giveaway one year. It's my favorite tree, although I have other ones in the backyard. That reminds me, I need to end this blog post and buy some more soil for the wildflower garden in the back. One of my friends from libraryland is going to be my garden friend. We're going to work in each other's gardens. It will be fun and we can gather a lot of ideas. It will be more fun than work. :)


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