Poem: Enter the Geek Fish Nation
It's 5:00 a.m. Do you know where your poems are? I'm attempting to get this one onto the screen. Some of the humorous Barbie doll poetry at ArtPost inspired me to write this one. Hope you find it amusing or at least "fishy."
Enter the Geek Fish Nation
One winter, at the time
the seventies morphed
into the eighties
and our subdivision
consisted of houses
sparsely sprinkled
across a prairie,
two minnows lived
in my blue
Barbie Dream Pool.
Rescued minnows
from impending doom
potential bait
for an ice fishing
promptly named
Marvin and Merlin,
by name alone
enter the geek fish nation
trendsetting minnows
before geek morphed into cool.
Marvin and Merlin
did not really belong
in a country club
dream pool,
where Barbie and Ken
once dipped plastic toes
and had Barbie doll trysts
in the naughty blue
Barbie Dream Pool.
Perhaps Marvin
had a wheat fish
allergy, didn't like
daily rationed
the minnows
swam together
for three months,
and when left out
of our watchful eye
Marvin murdered Merlin
with a bite to the neck,
as Merlin floated belly up
minnow murder
in the heart
of the tainted blue
Barbie Dream Pool.
Marvin swam solo
then soon after
took the plunge,
heaving his murdering
minnow guilt
over the side
of the redemptive blue
Barbie Dream Pool.
Lori Caskey Sigety
May, 2010