Poem: When a Crescent Moon Enters Stage West

It's about 2:00 a.m., so I am writing a moonlight poem. I'm thinking about adding this to our poetry book that's coming out in June. I wrote this in April 2010: When a Crescent Moon Enters Stage West Do you ever look up at a clear sapphire sky, and notice the outline of a crescent moon? a shadow of white, a shadow of moonlight, a prophesy that evening follows an afternoon whispers of dusk calls the night curtain falls the sun's curtain calls whispers of dusk calls the sun's curtain calls the night curtain falls whispers of dusk calls whispers of dusk whispers of whispers whisp whis whi wh w and the sun[sinks into the]set the moon enters stage west, the glow of a crescent moon makes her soft entrance, and now it's time for all to rest. Lori Caskey Sigety April 2010


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