Simplistic Saturday Wildlife Musings
Thank you for reading yesterday's blog. I expended the angst and energy in a productive way in order to focus on the positive aspects of the weekend. I responded to a friend (thank you, S.) and mentioned that the "hellidays" puts living into perspective. I am learning to notice the simple beauty of the normal, everyday life. For example, this morning I was talking with someone and she noticed the deer frolicking in the woods across the parking lot. Today Steve noticed a tiny rabbit and a dove on our birdbath in the backyard. I snapped photographs. Those little surprises of beauty in nature inspire and help me to move forward. That is one of the reasons why I am in the process of creating my wildflower garden; to enjoy everyday surprises and to inspire creativity. I have once of three sections planted; when the weather is a bit warmer and drier, I will plant the other two. I may have to cheat and purchase perennial plants to strategically place in the garden to help it along. This afternoon Steve and I are going to help a friend move to northern Indiana from Indy. We are happy to welcome her to our circle of friends and anticipating that it will be a positive experience.