...can be a fun challenge. The eco-carpeting was ordered and ready to install. (!) We are ready to adorn the living room, front office, thirteen stairs, and the upstairs hallway. (This substitutes for our vacation money this fall, but I consider it a wise investment.) Note to you, the reader: the cost of installation is lower (by over $100) if you tear up the old carpeting and dispose of it yourself. If you can, save yourself some cash and do it yourself. That's exactly what Steve and I are going to do. We are now under the proverbial gun to choose the paint based on the three swatches we have on the wall. (Thank you, E, for all of your assistance.)
We hope to have the house ready for the hellidays. Not that we celebrate so much in recent years, but we are recreating our home the way we want. Our true haven. Plus I will be having a Lia Sophia open house for the neighborhood and friends the day after T-day, so it should have a classic, cozy, and warm feel to the space.
I have been busy with class (Composition I with 23 students), freelancing with music and storytelling, restarting my jewelry bling business, and remodeling the house. Steve has been busy with libraryland, helping me out however he can, and doing house stuff. That's all for now ;)