Tardis Soap and Nerd Hygiene from Geeky Clean

I have been finding a lot of cool websites recently. The website I am going to mention is a particularly "clean" website (pun intended.) The company, website, christened Geeky Clean, makes soap. Inside the soap is a twenty-sided dice. The dice must be the incentive for the gamer to bathe. It is a joke among gaming society circles-or in our nerd-case, squares-because the stereotypical gamer does not bathe regularly. Much to other's dismay, few geeks still adhere on to bathing-optional mores at conventions.
I perused the website recently and found a Tardi-soap in the shape of the wonderful "police box" known as the Tardis.(!) If you are a Dr. Who fan, you will understand the significance of the blue box. Now you can have Tardi-soap with you. Lather up. ;)
Here's the website: http://www.geekyclean.com/
Enjoy! :)