This is one of my favorite photographs of Sakura. She is trying-unsuccessfully-not to nibble on the African violets. Today was definitely a case of the Mondays for Miss Sakura. She visited the v-e-t today. Snip snip. We admittedly delayed her spaying longer than we should have, although she is still definitely a kitten. We did not have a chance to take her in before her second heat. She went into heat very quickly after the first one. I am surmising if the balmy October/November weather may have played a part. She also recently started displaying aggressive behavior by spraying on the new carpeting (!) near the front door and biting arms. Steve and I both noticed her change in behavior, so we spared ourselves and the other lady cats a third round of kitty hormonal hell. Steve returned home and is now venturing out to pick Sakura up now. I cannot wait to hold her. It was very quiet around the homestead today. Too quiet.