Thanksgiving Weekend: So Far
Thursday & Friday
Right now as I type, Miss Java Cat is snoring to my left on the sofa. So far, it's been an uneventful weekend. We hosted the venue for a quiet and comfortable unThanksgiving feast. Steve's folks brought over baked spaghetti, side dishes, and pies. Our friend D. brought over wine. We then viewed a charity concert that Steve's folks attended with Stevie Ray Vaughn, Steve Winwood, Sheryl Crow, and other musicians. We then viewed Mission Impossible II
(I know we're behind but better late than never), and then showed D. Red Lilly. Later that night, Steve and I watched the last episode of Doctor Who (the 10th doctor) with David Tennant. I will miss him, but will continue watching the series.
Today has been a slow and lazy day. I accomplished an overdue trip to the post office (no one was there) and picked up an application for a passport. I'm finally going to do it so we can start traveling overseas.
I am thankful for the people- and for the lady cats- in my life. I am also happy for those who have moved on (especially some from GL in recent times) and grateful I know where I stand. I am moving forward to a place in life where I really don't care so much. Stay tuned for more enlightening posts.