Steve and I took Moshi to one of our favorite vets (Dr. H) a couple of weeks ago for her annual rabies vaccinations, etc. and discovered she needs to have her teeth cleaned. We spoke to her about Moshi's breath. We are not expecting our felines to have the proverbial breath-smelling-like-roses,especially after they have a)eaten smelly cat cuisine, or b)groomed thoroughly. We expect to experience occasional suspicious cat breath. However, with Moshi, she is the feline counterpart to the fictitious canine Hally Tosis in the picture book created by Dav Pilkey. When she yawns, the proverbial green gaseous cloud emits from her mouth. She has had this breath issue as long as we have known her.
When we took her to the vet previously for checkups, etc., Moshi does have the herpes virus (kittens and cats can get this ailment, too. It is not shared with humans and vice/versa.) She did not show tooth decay. We give her dental treats and dry cat food. However, when we brought her in this time, Moshi has the feline version of gingivitis. Moshi's age (just over a year old) to have this surprised all of us. So, in addition to giving Moshi dental treats while trying to keep her weight down, we need to start brushing her teeth. Yeah, and I like having all my fingers, too.
So today, I attempted the trick that Dr. H recommmended. Show her the toothbrush with toothpaste (kitty kind only) and give her a dental treat. Then have Moshi lick the toothpaste and sniff the toothbrush, and give her a dental treat. Next I will try to brush and then give her a dental treat. This may sabotage Moshi's "catkins" diet plan, but at least I will attempt to train her to allow me to brush her teeth so she will not be uncomfortable. Someday soon, perhaps the proverbial roses will emerge from Moshi's mouth. Probably not, but I am hoping it will not straighten my hair.