J's Tulips 2011
Hello, again! If this blog was a book on one of my bookshelves, I would have had to dust off the cobwebs before I could write again. I am woefully behind on my blogging, but that means a lot of positive things are happening in my non-virtual world. :) The aspect I am most pleased with is the fact that I finished my courses with an A and an A-! I am so relieved and happy. I almost took a class this summer, but that would have drained me both financially and mentally. Sometimes it is better just to wait a little longer to save up resources before diving back into school again.
I love the MLS (Master in Liberal Studies) program. It will complement my MLS (Master in Library Science) degree. Yes, when I complete this program I will be able to say I have an MLS squared. MLS2. Totally nerdy but also fun and marketable. This degree is different than my library degree because there is an interdisciplinary aspect. It is also general in scope and I am a true generalist. I like to have my hand and toes in different areas.
I am already thinking about my final project. I believe my final project is coming to me. As you know, I love libraries. I also love writing. In past months and years, I have had so many people ask me about writer's groups in the area. I am thinking about creating writing programs including local libraries (academic, public, and school)and other businesses in the community. I want to see what is out there and foster a writing movement in this area. There is SO much talent and so many talented people out there who need places to gather, meet, and publish. It's just an idea, but I believe it would be a positive contribution to our area.