Picture Book Idea For In the Family of Trees
I was harried, tired, and running behind this morning. The telephone rings. Of course, being the proverbial Pavlov's dog (*woof*), I pick it up. It was J, one of my friends and readers. She congratulated me for the wonderful book (*smile*) and placed another order (*squee*). J also mentioned that her son and four-year-old granddaughter read some of the poems together at night at bedtime (*melt*). I think that's such a high compliment. Sadly, I had to end the telephone conversation, but sent my friend love and gratitude for her kind words. The conversation also gave me an inspiration: why not turn the poetry book into a children's picture book? Select the truly child-appropriate poems, add a few more, and put photography into the book. This is an avenue I may pursue...perhaps I can also put the book to music, too.
I'm so glad I picked up the telephone this morning. :)