The Marriage of Laura and Stanley

Fourteen years ago, I married Steve. He is the love of my life and my best friend. We wed in a small Presbyterian church in South Bend, IN. Rev. Harry Collier, who is now in Heaven, was our minister. (Everyone called him "Rev.") Although retired, Rev. agreed to marry us. He was a gentle and sweet man. Like me, although Rev. was great with faces, sometimes forgot names. Fortunately, M., who was a seminary student at the time and accompanied Rev. during our wedding and reception, remembered names quite well.
At 4:00 p.m., after the processional decked out in wedding attire, Rev. started the ceremony. Although meaningful to us, it was your typical wedding ceremony. However, Steve and I heard the names "Laura" and "Stanley". Steve and I looked at eachother and at M. We just shrugged it off. Then it happened again. Finally, when it came to the vows, M., corrected Rev. We all laughed. It broke the proverbial ice. Fortunately, we were married as Lori and Steve.
Steve and I visited Las Vegas for our honeymoon. When we returned, the apartment was "decorated" and there was a champagne bottle, two glasses, and a note that said, "Welcome home, Laura and Stanley." Cheers to a humorous wedding story!