This year was our National Lampoon's Gen-cation. In anticipation of Nerdapalozza, we drove up this morning. Unfortunately, I caught "con crud" prior to the event with about ten hours' sleep in two days. In the heart of Kokomo, perhaps from the infamous Kokomo hum or car sickness from the stop and go traffic lights, we pulled over and I was promptly sick in the ditch, surrounded by the beauty of white and purple wildflowers. It reminded me of the beginnings of a proverbial country & western (c & w) song: "Losing my lunch in all the wrong places..." On the sunny side, except for losing my car, my job, and my man, I only lost my lunch. So according to the imaginary c & w song swirling in my head, I considered myself fortunate. Anyway, we arrived in Indianapolis shortly before noon. However, our room at the downtown Hilton in Indy wasn't ready. In prior years, our room was ready for us. This year, the hotel booked another convention; in addition to Gen Con, there was a fraternity convention. The eclectic mix of people sporting polo tops and khakis with the creative wear of Con folk amused us.