(Photograph by SJS/2011)
Welcome, December 24. These next two days are a mixed bag for me--as well for a lot of people-- emotionally. I'm happy that I'm surviving the season and doing well. This season, starting with Thanksgiving, Steve and I truly started creating our own traditions, not buying (too much) into the hype, pressure, fa-la-la and blah-blah-blah of what holidays are supposed to be. (No wonder therapist's offices are so busy this time of year with familial conflicts at the turkey table and high expectations around a forced Christmas tradition.) I've learned some lessons about the seasons and life in general: create your own joy, don't wait around for others to create happiness, joy, and peace in your life. It has to come from within; yes, I'm a slow learner. Better late then never.
My vocabulary pertaining to this season has shifted (and if you have been reading this blog long enough, you know this) it was first the holidays. Then came the hellidays after losing my mother and two beloved cats. Now I am transitioning to a point of the hello-idays, which is a new focus. My vocabulary shift means that healing has taken place... and will continue to as the seasons continue to shift.
I wish you love and peace whether you are celebrating the holidays, hellidays, or hello-idays. xoxo