Spring Break Saturday
Grades for speech class were submitted via telephone and internet. Thank goodness for a caring department head and modern technology. When I am feeling low, usually it's a precursor to an illness. (I should have known something was physiologically up after my previous post. )Thought I dodged the sinus bullet when Steve fully recovered from his particularly nasty infection, but it sprang over, manifested, lurked and hit strategically after I conducted my last class. I am grateful it was Thursday night rather than last Sunday night, so classes would not be missed. Sadly, I am spending my weekend sleeping and on the couch rather than traveling with my cohorts for a lia sophia retreat to reboot my jewelry business, but there's a time and reason for everything. I am grateful for a week off from everything--except for my favorite writing class--so I can recover. I like to plan things month to month. It makes life interesting--and manageable.