(New Buffalo, Michigan, LCS/2012)
On Friday, Steve took the day off to spend time with me at the beach. It was a surprise, but I'm not surprised. Steve is a sweet man. He took me for a birthday lunch and then we spent a little time at the New Buffalo Beach and visited with a friend. Friday night, I attended BMC's graduation. As faculty, I was able to sit in the front row and watch with pride as our students crossed the stage to receive their diplomas. Afterwards, I met up with some of my students to congratulate them. Later, I discovered a new Mediterranean restaurant with other faculty. We opted not to frequent the local "breastaurant" that some other folks attended. If I want to see breasts, I'll look in the mirror.
I also have to say that our hearts were and are heavy for the victims and the survivors of the tragedy that occurred in Colorado. July 20 will now be remembered as another tragedy associated with terrorism--domestic, but it is what it is--rather than a celebration of a man landing on the moon. It's disheartening. I wish someone could have seen the signs and stopped this person before he unleashed all of his hate and destroyed his life while taking so many innocents with him and leaving the rest to struggle and suffer in the aftermath. The guy at the gun range's instincts were correct to deny him membership, but that wasn't enough. Of course, it comes down to personal responsibility and the person is definitely responsible (I won't mention his name), but it's tragic that it wasn't prevented somehow.
But one thing is for certain: change is necessary. The tragedy also provided a stern reminder to the universe to have gratitude, because in a split second, a life can be snuffed out like a candle in a windstorm. And so we march on, trudging forward in this world of uncertainty and volatility, one mucky step at a time, and wish for the best and a peaceful 365 days--or fewer now--until the next July 20.