It was an honor to be asked to present a children's story hour this morning at the North Liberty Branch. It seemed like a lengthy but lovely drive out to the branch. Then I remembered that I used to drive that route five (or six) days a week for a little over two years during all the seasons, and enjoying the ever-changing scenery.
I was warmly welcomed by the staff. We had a great time passing around the ocean drum, playing with puppets, and presenting poems from my book. At the end of the session, D. the librarian passed out small stuffed animals that were donated from someone in the community.
It was nice to return again. It's a good feeling to know that present and future generations are enjoying the library that is so cherished by its community. I'm thankful to have had a hand in its creation of the library. I still can't look at houses without looking up at the structure of its gables. I was gawking at gables.
Thank you, North Liberty Branch Staff, for your hospitality! -xo