It's been a good weekend and an emotional day. On Saturday morning, Steve and I went for breakfast with friends. I then accompanied a friend to the salon for an updo for her wedding. Steve and I trekked to new Buffalo, Michigan for dinner at Mickey's. We caught a magnificent sunset except when the guy with the hairy back stood to the front and west of us and blocked our view, and we enjoyed a pleasant overnight stay. It was called Harbor Country Hotel. It was nice and peaceful, although we missed our Lady Cats. Both Steve and I were able to finish our books.
Today we checked out, returned home, ventured out for lunch and then out to purchase a few pots of perennials for my garden. We bought black-eyed Susans and cone flowers. I planted them in my mother's honor, as she loved flowers. It is her birthday today; I cried once today. Of course, it was at Hacienda. Nothing like sobbing in one's merlot. I'm not sure if it gets easier; I think, rather, as each year passes, the pain resonates more deeply. Happy birthday, Mom. I love you.