Novermber NaNoWriMo
It's that time of year. In the month of November, people start and finish novels that have at least 50,000 words. For more information, go to the NaNoWriMo website: I almost have that now, but I have been writing all summer and fall. I'm a slow writer. I do not expect to finish a full 50,000 in a month, but I should be able to finish the novel I started this summer. The support I have received is humbling and overwhelming. Posting word counts on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter not only helps me, but I have learned that it inspires people to write their own adventures.
It's not hard to do. Just start writing something. (Having an outline of a story helps.) If a person writes one page a day, in a year s/he will have 365 pages. That's more than enough for a book! The key is to write every day.
It's not hard to do. Just start writing something. (Having an outline of a story helps.) If a person writes one page a day, in a year s/he will have 365 pages. That's more than enough for a book! The key is to write every day.