May and Graduation

May is nearly over. It’s been a cold but beautiful spring here in the Midwest. The bushes, flowers, grass, and trees are gorgeous.The lilacs are insanely lovely and fragrant this year. It’s nature’s way of rewarding us for enduring another tough winter. Thankfully, it wasn’t as cold as last winter. That was crazy.

A lot has happened since I posted back in March. The spring classes I taught are over, and I participated in commencement for the MLS (Master in Liberal Studies) degree. The final draft of the thesis and the scheduled defense looms over my head, but August 2015 will be on the diploma. For some reason, the final steps seem to be the longest.

I’m… almost… there…. the… diploma…is… within… reach…

Fortunately, as adjunct faculty, I have the privilege of participating in graduation on the other side, sitting with pride as students cross the stage and receive their diplomas. A colleague told me that graduates have amazing footwear. I looked, and she was right. I am in awe with how some students can cross a slippery wooden stage in six-inch heels and not break their necks on the descent down the exit stairs. Admittedly, the weather was rather chilly for graduation as both a student and a teacher, so I settled for my black boots with the tiny ½ inch heel.

If that’s your sort of thing, do participate in graduation! It is a lot of fun(and Steve was happy he had a slice of cake)) and what an honor to celebrate! It makes the whole process real. Although this graduation is not my first rodeo in academia, participating in this year’s commencement does not make it any less significant. (I do love the doctoral robes—the caps and gowns remind me of Harry Potter.)

Celebrate your accomplishments! Celebrate YOU! 


Carol S Rusinek said…
Nice blog post Lori! Glad your thesis is almost over and graduation is in sight!:-)

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