Random Musings and Lighting at The Electric Brew
Hello! It is Wednesday, almost the start of Memorial Day weekend, and I am waiting for Steve to arrive home. The kitties and I are hanging out on the porch listening to the birds and watching the warm day pass by.
Although I was initially disappointed that several teaching gigs dried up this late spring and summer, I now realize that it was a disguised blessing. I have not had time off for a long time, and I am still earning some income filling in for absent instructors, tutoring, and visiting classrooms. Also, our MV book has spiked a bit in sales, so that is good. Karen and I are working on other writing projects, and will be presenting programs at Gen Con this summer. I have also put my name in to sub (percussion) with the LaPorte County Community Symphony. We will see what happens. Steve continues to catalog and teach online classes. He is writing more, and I am so proud of Steve for pursuing writing. He is such a good writer, and his work needs to be out there.
Since January or February, I have been writing poems like a maniac! I cannot stop, nor do I want to! The poetry group, WordPlay, founded by John Homan, has been a godsend. The group meets once a month at a charming coffee house called The Electric Brew. This event inspires me to write more often, and the writers are creative and kind. I am so happy to call them friends.
There is something interesting about the lighting in The Electric Brew. There is a light that tends to flicker on and off during the poetry reading. I wonder who is saying hello?