Reflections on this Week


First of all, Happy Veteran's Day! I have family and friends who served in the military, and I am grateful for their service.

Second of all, I am shocked about the election results. I hope people can come together and try to work things out, otherwise it will be an ominous four years. I am over politics, and will focus on the arts, librarianship, music, and writing. It is not worth my mental and physical health.

Third, I was lucky to attend the Indiana Library Federation (ILF) conference with my director. It was so much fun catching up with friends and meeting new people! There are so many ideas I want to bring back to Middlebury. A community garden with the Boys & Girls Club is an idea.

Fourth, my co-writer and I received a scathing one-star review on Goodreads on our book. Rushed? Really? It took us two years and a hell of a lot of research to complete the book. Why is it necessary to be so negative? If I read a book I do not like, I tend not to comment on it, and I do not try to bring people down, because I know what goes into the process of writing, marketing, and publishing a book. Whatever. The majority of the reviews are positive, anyway. Moving forward...

Looking forward to a fun weekend...I am painting faces in Middlebury tomorrow for our mini-golf fundraiser. Have a great weekend!


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