

It's the last day of November. With the exception of an amazing cruise in 2015, this November has probably been the fastest month I've experienced in a long time. I'm in a really good place with this new library position. I'm glad to have taken the leap into the unknown, but in my heart I knew everything was going to be okay. Thank you for reading this post, and for your continued support.

There is also something that has been weighing on me for awhile, especially with the recent reports and firings of prominent people in business, Hollywood, journalism, and politics. It's getting harder for me to turn on the news, because my stomach starts to turn with all the reports.

What is it about the workplace that makes people act crazy? I am so frustrated at executives for allowing such hurtful behavior to continue. Leaders need to be responsible, too. If your staff is hurting one another and you are letting it happen, you are as culpable as the offenders.

I'm sick of the incivility in our North American culture. I'm glad that (finally) people in power are being tossed off of their proverbial high-horses. Assaults, bullying, harassment, and incivility in-and-out of the workplace needs to stop. I can relate to this, because I am still recovering from incidents of incivility at my former place of employment.

I won't go into details here, but thank God I had the education, experience, and references to leave before the incivility consumed me, and I landed in a much better place.

My current happiness and success is the best revenge. Karma will take care of the rest.

Have a good night.


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