Happy New Year!

(Photo through an ice-covered window.)


Hope you enjoyed the first week of 2018!

I admit, it's been a little rough here with a sinus infection that wants to hang on and bitterly cold weather temperatures that makes commuting dicey.

Despite the cold, the winter sunrises and sunsets on my daily commutes have been spectacular. Like life, winter is difficult, but also beautiful.

Besides momentary crankiness, there's a lot to be grateful for-- electricity, a warm house, plenty to eat, and the love of fur children, friends, and family.

Have a good Sunday. Don't forget self-care. Do what you need to do to recharge for the upcoming week: cuddle with a companion, extra sleep, make a healthy meal,play in the snow (or sand, for my warm-weather readers), read, watch a fun movie, work out, and/or write.


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